Flex Box property
2019. 4. 9. 12:37
Flex box
'display : flex' defines the container flexbox.
flex-direction : row (For default)
the cross axis would be vertical / the main axis would be horizontal
flex-direction : column
the cross axis would be horizontal / the main axis would be vertical
align - items
controls the cross axis. 교차축 ,수직축 담당
also controls each flex item's property 'align-self 'all. 각 플렉스 아이템들이 차지하는 너비 안에서의 정렬
align - content
for multi line flexible boxes. no effect when items are in a single line.
플렉스 컨테이너에서 아이템들이 컨테이너 상에서 어떻게 정렬될지를 정의한다.
It aligns the whole structure according to its value.
controls the main axis 주축, 수평축 담당